Please feel free to bring any personal toiletries, music or pictures along with comfortable clothes for you and your baby for going home.
Do not bring any valuables such as jewelry, wallet or purse.
We realize many people will bring cameras, cell phones, cell phone charges and/or laptop computers but we ask that you designate responsibility to your support person for their safekeeping. Photography and videotaping is allowed before and after the birth, but not during the actual delivery. We have found filming the delivery is too distracting for everyone involved. Photographing or videotaping other patients is not allowed.
When it is time for you to come to the hospital, your physician/midwife may request you call them before coming to the hospital. They will then notify us you are coming which allows our birthing center staff to have paperwork and records ready when you arrive. Upon arrival to the hospital, go to the admitting desk in the Emergency Department. You will then be directed to the Labor & Delivery suite on the 4th floor of the Hospital.
If for any reason you have difficulty reaching your healthcare provider with concerns about you or your baby, please come to the Hospital Labor and Delivery Department.