What is Hip Replacement?
A metal and plastic covering for raw, arthritic bone ends. It replaces cartilage that has worn away over the years. Hip replacement surgery can relieve pain and get you back to enjoying normal, everyday activities.
Who Should Have a Hip Replacement?
You should have hip replacement surgery if:
Is There an Alternative to Hip Replacement?
Hip replacement may be recommended only after careful diagnosis of your joint problem. You may benefit from surgery if you:
The typical hospital stay after hip replacement surgery is 1-2 days. Hip replacement patients begin standing and walking with the help of a walking support and a physical therapist the day of surgery.
Signature Healthcare offers a dedicated hospital floor for our recovering orthopedic surgery patients, complete with in-unit physical and occupational therapy. It is important to begin moving after surgery to get your blood flowing. This helps to prevent blood clots from forming in your legs, which can occur from lack of activity.
Recovery varies with each person. It is essential that you follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding home care during the first few weeks after surgery, especially the exercise program you are prescribed. You should be able to resume most normal light activities of daily living within 2-4 weeks after surgery. Some discomfort with activity, and at night, is common for several weeks. Complete recovery can take from 2-3 months. While most people will gradually increase their activities to include recreational walking, biking and swimming, you will be advised to avoid more active sports, such as jogging, high-impact aerobics and other contact sports.
Rarely does a patient require transfusion after surgery. There is no need for preoperative blood donation.
Hip replacement is one of the most important surgical advances in the last 50 years. This surgery helps more than 350,000 Americans each year to relieve their pain and get back to enjoying normal, everyday activities.
As with any surgery, there is a risk of complications after hip replacement surgery. Fortunately, the risk is very low. Blood clots are the most common complication after surgery. Your surgeon may prescribe one or more measures to prevent blood clots from forming in your leg veins. Special support hose, inflatable leg coverings and blood thinners are used to avoid blood clots. In addition, you will also receive IV antibiotics for 24 hours to help prevent infection. Other complications could include implant loosening, hip dislocation, fractures and nerve or blood vessel damage. Your surgeon will be taking great care to reduce the risk of these and any other complications.
Thanks to advances in medication technology, we are able to keep you relatively comfortable after surgery. You will receive an anti-inflammatory and pain medication just prior to surgery so that it will be providing pain relief when you recover from anesthesia.