We Ask Because We Care

Why is this important?

Signature Healthcare’s vision is to provide safe, quality care with compassion. We are committed to providing every patient equal access to care. To support this vision, we ask you details of your background and preferred language. We collect it to improve the health of our community, paying particular attention to unfairness or injustices. We also use this information to create and expand programs to better support our patients.

Your information is kept private and is only used to help us serve you better.

Why do we ask about race, ethnic background, language, gender identity, pronouns, and sexual orientation?

  • Our goal is to give safe, quality care with compassion to everyone. These questions help us to:
  • Know you and our community better
  • Provide interpreter services
  • Support programs that improve quality of care
  • Meet compliance standards

Who sees this information?

This information is confidential. We limit access to patient information, including race and ethnicity. We only use the information if it is needed to provide care or other hospital services. Your information is always protected.

Learn more about your patient privacy rights at MySignatureCare.org/PatientRights

Is it mandatory for patients to provide race, ethnic background, language, gender identity, pronouns, and sexual orientation information?

No. You have a choice about whether to provide your information. We ask so we can better serve you and our diverse patient communities

To confirm or update your information, please contact us in any of the following ways:

  • Call Patient Services: 508-894-0400
  • Speak in-person to patient registration or your doctor’s office